Special Bonus Episode: 7 Wise Lessons From The Last Decade.

Dr Latifat Akintade

You guys! Can you believe it? It's your girl, Dr. Latifah, and guess what? This amazing, phenomenal, and dare I say, fabulous woman is officially turning 40 today!  That's right, 4-0, baby!

For some of you, that might sound like a scary milestone. Maybe you see it as the end of your youth, the beginning of the dreaded "downhill slide." But hold on a hot minute, honey, because let me tell you something: Turning 40 is a cause for CELEBRATION!

This decade has been a whirlwind of experiences, lessons learned, and growth that I wouldn't trade for anything. And guess what? I'm sharing it all with you in this jam-packed episode!  We're talking 7 powerful reflections that have completely transformed the way I view life, my career, and even myself.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to embrace being different and stop trying to fit in (it's holding you back!)
  • Why the road to your best self is paved with uncertainty (and how to find safety in that)
  • The underrated power of rest (and how discomfort can lead to breakthroughs)
  • It's never too late to learn a new skill and become good at something (especially when it comes to finances!)
  • How to embrace the art of going for failure and stop fearing the unknown
  • The importance of identifying your values and making sure they guide your decisions
  • How to recapture the joy of play and reconnect with your inner child

This episode is a must-listen for any badass woman physician who wants to create a life and career that feels authentic and fulfilling.

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