How Dr. Toyosi Created Her Rich Life

Dr Latifat Akintade

Dr. Toyosi Onwuemene is an Associate Professor of Medicine and an Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences, dedicated to both advancing healthcare and improving the well-being of her patients. Despite her success as a physician and educator, she found herself overwhelmed by the demands of her profession, leading her to seek out new ways to manage her career and finances.

In this episode, join host Dr. Latifat and her guest as they talk about the power of investing in yourself, how financial confidence can transform your life, and the importance of community support.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Investing in yourself opens new doors.
  2. Financial confidence brings time and freedom.
  3. Community support elevates growth.

00:00 – Introduction to Dr. Toyosi and her journey.
03:15 – How Dr. Toyosi began prioritizing her financial education.
05:30 – The power of shifting your mindset around money.
10:00 – Building confidence through the Money School.
12:45 – The impact of financial freedom on professional life.
17:00 – Dr. Toyosi's decision to stop taking call and reclaim her time.
22:30 – The importance of making intentional, bold moves in life.
27:00 – Family benefits from improved financial mindset and time freedom.
32:00 – How new investments and opportunities transformed her life.
39:00 – The value of surrounding yourself with a supportive community.

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If you are a Hardworking, Busy Woman physician who wants to get good at money without wasting more time sifting through the internet. This is for you.

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Dr. Latifat:

Welcome to Money Feed MD, the podcast for women physicians who are ready to reclaim their financial freedom, grow their wealth and create the rich life they deserve, without sacrificing their joy and sanity. I'm your host, dr Lateef Bhatt, a physician, a mama, a money coach for women physicians, and your biggest cheerleader on this journey to building not just wealth, but time, freedom, confidence and a legacy that you'll be proud of. Enjoy this episode, hi guys. I hope you guys are doing great. Hello, hello, welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so excited to be here, glad to be spending today with you guys. I have the fabulous Dr Toya Seale with me and we are going to be hanging out with you guys today. She's bringing all of her wisdom, all of her experience, all of her brilliance and she gets to share it with you guys. So, for those that haven't met, I'm Dr Latifa and just to set the stage for what we're going to do over the next 40 minutes, or so it is, you are going to get a chance to really be at the forefront and have a conversation around the table with Dr Toya C and I, and what I'm going to be going into is her just sharing her own journey with money with us, what her story's been where she was like a year or two years ago and some of the challenges that is very, very common and familiar with us women physicians. I'm also going to be sharing with you guys, because some of you guys know, we are just completing our three-day money challenge, which has been amazing and powerful, and one of the things that I shared earlier was that our money school is open now for enrollment and this is the last time we are open for the rest of the year. So I want to make sure that we answer all the questions that you guys have, and the beautiful thing is, dr Toyasi is here with me so you can ask her and she's going to tell you the truth, nothing but the truth. So I'm excited about this conversation. So first of all, I want to say welcome Dr Toyasi to our conversation today.

Dr. Toyosi:

Dr Latifah, thank you for having me.

Dr. Latifat:

All right, so she already knows this, but I'm going to spend maybe three minutes just giving you guys a general overview of what the money school is going to look like next year and what we are doing to help women physicians accomplish their goals and their financial wins. So let me share my screen real quick. So, for those of you guys in Facebook, I hope you can see my screen, let me see. Let me see. All right, so I just want to give like a brief, like three minute presentation or conversation with you guys about what we are doing inside of the money school in 2025. So some of you guys know we started the money school specifically out of a need, and the need there was was that women physicians like you and I were not being taught about money. People were not talking to us about money in a language and in a way that made sense to us, and essentially, what that has led to is disparities when it comes to money. I remember just eight years ago, I knew nothing about money. I was living paycheck to paycheck, and that has changed over time. And what I was living paycheck to paycheck and that has changed over time and what I found was like there were certain things that I wish people were teaching women physicians. And so every single year, inside the money school, which is our 12 month coaching container, we literally recreate what we wish existed. What are we doing well? What can we do to improve? How can we continue to meet the needs of women physicians, not just increasing number, but at a deeper level? So what I want to share with you is what we are going to be doing in 2025. And I'm sharing that specifically because I know some of you guys may be interested in coming along that journey with us. Why not? So the question I have is this many times we look at our finances and it feels like it's going to take forever. It's like it's going to take forever for me to get to that first seven figure. It's going to take forever for me to like be a better investor. It's going to take a long time for all of this. But my question is that what if it doesn't take a long time? What if 12 months can be a game changer for you? What if the next 12 months can be a game changer for you? What if you could accomplish more in one year than maybe you've done in five or 10 years before? And I'm saying this because this is what I've seen with the amazing women that we have had, though, just the pleasure of serving inside of the money school. We have had, though, just the pleasure of serving inside of the Money School. So this is what the Money School coaching program is about, and I always remind people that this is not just a program. This is literally an investment in your future, and the beautiful part of this is I don't have to tell you all about it we get to like hear stories from women physicians. We released an episode on the podcast I believe it was last week, about one of our members. There's another one coming out shortly, in the couple of weeks. But the thing is, what I'm finding is that it's not that we're bad with money, it's not that we're too busy to do money. It's just that no one has taught us in a way that makes sense. So how can we change the narrative, how can we change the outcome? How can we change the future? And when I think about the women we've served and I look at what we're doing in the money school, I think I can literally summarize everything we do in this one slide, and it is this we shorten the distance and the time between where you are to where you truly want to be Not where you're pretending to be, but where you really want to be. And my goal and our goal is we want to redeem your time, because your time is your biggest investment, like it's the biggest asset that you have. That is not like you cannot recreate your time, right. And I ask women physicians like what if that thing you want to do at age six or five? What if you can do it in your forties? That thing that you think you want to do at age six or five? What if you can do it in your 40s? That thing that you think you want to do in your 50s? What if you can do it in your 30s, right? So it's about redeeming your time, freeing up your energy and helping you create a life that feels lighter, more abundant and full of possibilities. So these are the things that we're going to be doing in Next, in 2025, for our members that are in our program. We meet every Thursday on Zoom. We're coaching, we're asking questions, you're getting strategy, mindset coaching. That's what we're doing every Thursday and it is recorded, and the reason why is because our women are busy and our goal is to help you live a rich life, so we want to make sure that we do everything we can so that I am busy will never, ever again stand between you and the freedom that you want. We're also going to be doing a vision casting session, two actually over the course of next year. One is early in the year and one is later, and the reason why we're doing that is that I find that too many women physicians are building lives that are not even theirs. It's a life that many people have told us is the right thing for us, but it's not living our rich life. So what's the point of building a house when it's the wrong house? So the goal of the vision casting sessions that we're doing next year virtually is to help women create their rich lives so that their time is being spent actually creating what they want to create. I'm really excited about the semi-private coaching and what that is is we're offering that. It's going to be two in over 12 months where I meet with you and your money body, which is someone that will pair you within the program for accountability, but we really get to take things deeply and to be honest with you. This is something that our members are going to be enjoying. I'm not sure how many people we're going to be able to extend this to, but once I'm capped on how many of that I want to offer, that is something that's no longer going to be available. So if you're someone that is thinking about joining, make sure that you keep that in mind. And then we have masterclasses. I'm excited about the ones we're introducing next year. And then we have masterclasses I'm excited about the ones we're introducing next year. It's about, you know, the seven-figure time management relationships and so many other masterclasses that you get access to. Our women love our village exchange and we're turning up the volume a notch next year. And what that village exchange is is the women in the money school are so amazing, so badass, like Dr Toyosi, that you're going to meet right now. I love her voice so much, so get ready. She's going to like voice you over. She's going to like sweep you off your feet. I don't care what kind of feet you got. I love her voice and I've loved her voice since day one. And our village exchange is really an opportunity for our women to exchange resources, connections and network. For our women to exchange resources, connections and network Because, at the end of the day, one of the things that people that are ultra successful value is community and network. Networking is part of how you shorten your distance to the destination that you're trying to accomplish, and our women are so rich that we have them do like a village exchange, and next year it's going to be quarterly and we're turning up the volume and spicing it up, but it's going to be a surprise, so I'm not going to tell too much details about that. We have challenges that we do about. We have six coming up next year. Those that are in our program get access to the VIP access for the challenges and it really does help them accelerate their journey. So for those that are joining us, that's something that you will be getting access to as well. We have guest speakers about once every four to six weeks. These are experts in their fields. There are people that can help with legacy, that are owners of huge investments, that are teaching people how to hire assistants and just so much quality stuff that's based on the need of our community. We've had accountants come in. We've had, you know, car wash, drive-thru car wash people come in Like just like these are by themselves stand-alone such huge assets. The other thing, honestly, guys, is my access to my community and my network. I pay to be in communities where I can be a bridge for my women physicians, so they will tell you all the time. They're like, latipa, can you introduce us to someone that does this? I'm like, yep, let's do it right. So my people are really leveraging and this is something that I take so much pride in, because people that are successful understand the value of this and for so many years, physicians and women physicians were not part of these conversations, were left out of the networking, were busy, mamas were taking care of patients and were missing out on shortening the distance between where we are to what we want to get to. So those are things that you will get access to as well. Almost every week, I get a request for introduction and if I don't find, if I don't have them, I know people that know people that know people. I literally pay to know people that know people that know people. So I'm your leverage and I want to be. That's my job literally is to do that for you guys. Our private Facebook group where you can get coaching outside of our weekly coaching, you can post in there. I'm having trouble with this. I'm stuck here, so really you're not wasting time like most people are outside in the world. The other thing you will get access to is our financial education curriculum, which, honestly, by itself, is so high value because, again, this is what you need to be able to take charge of your finances, so that, even if you're like I'm a beginner, I'm starting from scratch we will help you. So these are some of the things that you get access to in our community, but I didn't want to spend all of the time talking about all of the things, but those are the ones that I think would be of greatest value to you, and the point is that our program goes beyond coaching. It really is about reshaping your financial reality while creating a life that feels authentic to you. So, before we go into Dr Toyos' conversation, I want to make sure that you guys understand what the investment is in order to join us. For those that are joining us before the end of the year, you get to benefit from the 2024 price point for all the features that we're even adding in 2025. And our tuition is $10,000 times one one time, or you can split it into 12 payment plans of $997. Okay, it's not a monthly membership, it's a year commitment, but we want you to have the ability in order to be able to do that. Those that are joining us next year, starting from January, it's going to be$15,000. So, again, if you're someone that's like okay, latifah, I've been thinking about it, I definitely need the help. 2025 is going to be my year. You may want to join before the end of the year and in order to do that, all you have to do is schedule a call. You cannot go on any link and pay and buy and join us. We don't do that. We want to make sure we vet you because our community is very, very high value and it's not for everybody. So, in order to be a part of our program, you can schedule a call. I go into moneyfeedmdcom, forward slash call, and we'll make sure we put the link in the chat box for you guys and that way you schedule a call with me or a member of our team. We figure out what your goals are, what your plans are for the next 12 years, and if we can be of help to you, then we will let you know. And that is when we can now have an exchange of funds or exchange of money. Okay, so that's what I have for you guys. I'm going to stop sharing my screen and I'm going to go to the person that I'm so excited to hang out with, which is Dr Toyasi. So, dr Toyasi, I want to say a huge welcome to you. Thank you so much for joining us today.

Dr. Toyosi:

Thank you for having me.

Dr. Latifat:

For those that are listening to us, that have never met you but now get to enjoy the deliciousness of your presence and your voice. Can you just let us know a little bit about where you were, say, two years ago, when it came to your finances of yourself and also of your family?

Dr. Toyosi:

Yeah, so I'm an academic physician, I'm a hematologist, and where I was two years ago was too busy, too busy, too busy and underpaid and angry and bitter and just you know, just not in control, not in control of money at all, and so that's definitely different today.

Dr. Latifat:

What do you mean by not in control of money at all? Can you tell us, like, what did that look like? Because you are an academic physician, which I absolutely, absolutely love, and people talk about academic doctors maybe y'all don't care about money. Like, tell us a little bit about like, what did that look like?

Dr. Toyosi:

So you know, when I started as an academic physician gosh, maybe 10, 11 years ago, I didn't. I mean, I was always told about a woman should negotiate, woman should negotiate. So I kind of came at it with that energy of like I'm not going to be that woman who's not going to negotiate. And still, when I was, when I first got my first job offer, I started crying because it was so low. I was like I can't believe I went to school all these years and owe so much money and this is how much I'm going to make. And so I did do the negotiation thing and my money went up just a little bit, and I'm glad that I did that, because it would have been so bad, but anyway, so that already started my job with this feeling of like this is not enough. Oh, my goodness, what am I going to do? Just this feeling of lack and scarcity and feeling overwhelmed with money over time, when I found out that, oh, look at that I have a paid disparity, then it was anger and bitterness and just you know. And then trying to get people to pay me more and coming at it from the energy of like, well, you know, it just wasn't good, because I think what I needed was to be very. There was so much that I needed and so much that I didn't have. And so, finally, coming to the money school and realizing that, oh, it's not up to them, that just changed everything.

Dr. Latifat:

Wow. So let's go back. At what point did you find out that there was a pay disparity? Was that something that you found out by accident, like, how did you find that out?

Dr. Toyosi:

So I went to refinance my student loans and I refinanced with a company that sent me data. They're like for all the people that we have, that we have or we, I don't know. They have access to data and says for all the people from your university, by age, this is where you rank in terms of how much you're paid. And I looked and I saw that I was gosh. I want to say I was 75% less than people, age for age. So you know, people talk about well, you know, it's because you're an assistant professor, it's because you're not your associate. But I looked and I said, if they're my age, they're at my level. And so I took the data and I took it to my chief and I was like what is this? What are these numbers? And they're like, oh, those can't be real. I'm like, well, show me the real.

Dr. Latifat:

And I'm curious did they at that point increase your salary at that moment?

Dr. Toyosi:

Yes. So you know it's an interesting thing and this comes to my summer recovering people pleaser and I know there's nobody else here who is. But you know I wanted harmony, I didn't want to call the workers, I didn't want anybody to be mad at me cause of workers. I didn't want anybody to be mad at me and so I was very much like, okay, how can we do it? And, and you know, people also responded when they were like, yeah, we'll increase you a little bit this year, maybe we'll increase by 5%. We're going to get you to where you need to be. It's going to take time and times are hard and and you know and it there was a lot of just times are hard times. Times are hard, conversations where and I was trying to, you know, accommodate but also seething inside, right, I'm mad, but trying to be nice to everybody because it's hard and anyway, let's just say that by the time we right-sized things, I was good and mad and ready to quit. But that took a lot of me growing inside as well. It's getting to the point where I realized that if you're not ready to make change happen for me, then I need to be ready to make change happen for me and that took time to get there.

Dr. Latifat:

It took time to get there. Was it time that it took to get there or was it work that it took to get there? Was that time? Because I think sometimes people say it takes time, but did it take time or did it just take you deciding that it was time?

Dr. Toyosi:

Yeah, thank you. That's a great point. I think it took work. It took work because, you know, all along in my initial conversations it was very much around well, if I can get this person to see my side of the story, if I can get that person to understand what I need, and it was just, and they weren't they, they, they, they. It wasn't until I started doing work of who am I, what do I need, what is important to me that I started to realize that, well, it's not up to them, how can I make change happen for myself? And that, yes, so it was a really big mindset shift to get to to where I needed to be. Yes, so it was a really big mindset shift to get to where I needed to be.

Dr. Latifat:

I am curious. So I find that sometimes when people have things like that, that is upsetting to them rightfully, so they handle it in different ways. For you, was that making you pay more attention to your finances, or were you kind of hiding from your finances the rest of your finances outside of the salary.

Dr. Toyosi:

I think I was always very hyper-focused on my finances, but not in a positive way. I was hyper-focused on how much money I owed in student loan debt, how long it was taking to try to get there. Hyper-focused on how much my husband wouldn't let me allow us to sleep, like you know, on a bench outside just so we could make all the debt go away. So there was a lot of that and I think even in the conversations around money, it was all very scarcity mindset, if that can be a word. It was just very much like there's not enough, there's not enough, and now how can we, how can I get more so I can pay off this loan debt? It was just a lot about scarcity and so, yeah, I think I forget if I'm even answering the question, but it was a lot of scarcity. So, even though I was hyper focused on money, it wasn't a good focus.

Dr. Latifat:

You've mentioned debt a couple of times. So you were hyper focused and thinking about debt and thinking about sleeping on the bench and all this other stuff. But before, like, we're talking about your journey now, two years ago, were you thinking about other aspects of money at all, or was it only that focus that you had?

Dr. Toyosi:

Yes, I was very focused on saving, because I know I needed savings and so, yes, three to six months of living expenses. I was working towards that.

Dr. Latifat:

I was very hyper-focused on saving and getting out of debt. So what changed Like? What made you look for help? Because it's one thing to have all of that happening, it's another thing to seek out help. What made you reach out for help?

Dr. Toyosi:

I think it's because I started coaching and by coaching and talking about coaching and the big picture of coaching, and part of that was just realizing that, you know, I, I need a coach, I you know, and I started. I found someone I liked and we started coaching on a different area. Just, you know about leadership as an academic, but it affects every area of your life, and then I started expanding my worldview and realizing that there was so much available to me and so much I needed. So there was an openness as well, and that's how I found you, just this openness to oh, let me see what's here. Yeah, so it was me doing the work of growing as a person that changed my worldview and allowed me to start to see how important it was to make investments in myself.

Dr. Latifat:

So you became more open. So you were hyper focused, more scarcity based, and then you decided to be more open. And then how did you? How did you find out about Money for the MD?

Dr. Toyosi:

actually, I'm curious and then, how did you hear? How did you find out about money for the md? Actually I'm curious. Yeah, so you came and gave a talk at we had an acp. It was an evening session and you know I was on call that week so there was very little chance that I would go. But I signed up anyway because I was like, oh, money, I I should learn about that. I mean, you know, again hyper focused on money. And you came and when you started he said I'm not going to use any slides and I was like, okay, this is new, someone's going to talk about money and not have slides. Let's see how this is going to happen. It was the best talk on money I have ever heard and I thought who is this person? I've got to follow her and see what is this all about, because you talked about money in a way that was so practical, that was nonjudgmental and was just very real, and I thought this is different, this is really different. So, yeah, that's how it started.

Dr. Latifat:

And this was late, was this?

Dr. Toyosi:

2023 or late 2020? It was probably early 2023 or late 2022.

Dr. Latifat:

Yes, I see early 2023 or late 2022. Yes, I see. And so you've heard me talking and you're like just money is practical, no shame, no slides, no crazy spreadsheets.

Dr. Toyosi:

And then what happened after that Is that, when you reached out, or were you following for a while, I was following for a while, and then you wrote your book and launched it, launched your book and you had a book club, and I was part of the group that came for the book club, and you did some coaching in that period too. One thing I realized is that you're such a kind person and you create an environment that's very. It's just the not having judgment is so important. I think we judge ourselves a lot, especially with regard to money, where we should be, where we're not, what's not working, and so it was just nice to be able to be in an environment where we could talk about money and it felt normal and natural.

Dr. Latifat:

So yeah. So now this is last year, you're now in the money school. Was it difficult or easy for you to decide to join the money school? I'm just curious. Hmm.

Dr. Toyosi:

It was easy? I think yes it was easy because, yes, it was easy because, you know, by that time I'd read your book, I'd followed you for a while and I just realized I was like there's information that I don't have here, there's a community that that has something that I don't have, and so I just knew the investment was needed. And it just took time to warm up to that, to get ready to do that. Yeah, I mean took time. I keep saying time, but it was just once you're ready, you're ready. And then it's like well, how do I make it happen?

Dr. Latifat:

Yeah, once you're ready, you're ready. And then it becomes. How can I make it happen? I love that. So now talk to us about what the journey has been for you, like your own personal journey, with your personal finance now over average about 12 months or so. Tell us a little bit about where you are, from this person that was hyper-focused on debt, hyper-focused on saving, to now being tell us a little bit about your journey.

Dr. Toyosi:

Yeah. So I think back to some of the earliest coaching sessions that we had with when I first joined, and I remember one conversation because I was like, oh, I hope I hope my husband never sees this conversation, but I remember saying so my husband had just we had just gone to being a one income family, like right at the beginning of that, that period of joining, and I remember thinking I was like you know very much again in contraction mode, like okay, we got to make money last long, we got to see how long this is going to last. And oh my gosh, before this happened, we had this vacation plan, we were going to go to Zanzibar and I was like we can't go Very much, just again, just very contraction focused, like how can we shrink? How can we shrink to make this work? And so, over time, and you talked about investing and I'm like where am I going to find money to invest? Where we? You know just the whole idea of like if 10 months ago, when everything was great maybe, but not because I was so focused on saving and we really saved a lot, but what we didn't do is do any investments, so anyway, so we all to a point where it was like this is the wrong time for investing. But that's what you kept talking about and I remember that first conversation was around I can't even invest, this is not the right time. And if my husband was, you know, if he had a job, then this, a lot of if, then if. Then, and over the course of being in the money school, what I realized it's like again, it was that same awakening of like, no, it's not my husband, it's not anyone, it's me. What do I want to do? How do I want to live my rich life, to quote you, and what is possible, how can I right Asking the possibility question? So what's changed for me over time is even just the mindset like, no, I don't have to contract, no, I don't have to shrink, no, money is not about to run out, there is abundance. And what you've also helped me recognize is how, wow, I'm wealthy. Like, okay, the numbers may not add up, but wow, look at my wealthy life. You talk about creating assets and you know being an asset and investing in assets. And so, all of a sudden, my money worldview has expanded. And so the dollars are. The dollar signs are important, but they're kind of like a component of the bigger wealth picture. And so then all of a sudden it's like relaxed. Okay, you know I can do money and it's more than just money, and I value and treasure this life that I'm building that's not hyper-focused on just dollars and cents.

Dr. Latifat:

Yeah, I love it. I love it, hyper-focused on just dollars and cents, I love it, I love it. So your worldview about money is broader, is wealthier, and I'm curious for those that are wondering, like, what does that look like in terms of the investments you have done, like in the last? Okay, I'm just you're like, I just saw your eyes, so go ahead and share with people, like what does that look like for someone that literally a year and a half or two ago was more of like debt saving contractions, hyper focused in that. But what as your change in your mindset and landscape, what does that now look like financially for you?

Dr. Toyosi:

Yeah, so one of the things you talk about is spending and how important it is to spend in alignment with your values. And so, you know, one of the things I had over the period especially is, like, you know, the whole judgment of, well, what are you doing? Planning an international trip when you can't even afford it, and you can't do this, and a lot of judgment and good good things don't come out of a space of judgment. Right, you can't be creative, you can't, you can't, you just can't, you can't blossom. Like you know, judgment causes you to contract. So by taking all of that away, I could see possibilities, right, and oh, I'm so glad we invested the money and took the trip it was a trip of a lifetime and we did two of those this year took the trip it was it was a trip of a lifetime, and we did two of those this year and, and even at the time it was like I don't even have the money or the time to invest in buying a house. This is even the wrong time. Then we bought a house and then it was like, well, we don't have any money for investments. And I've done three like three investments, actually more than three investments this year, and so it was like from I don't even have any money and what are we going to do in a single income house? To being like, oh, now we have these assets that we've bought and now we we have these memories that we've created. It's really been an abundant, rich life and my financial picture, like personally in my job, didn't even change, but money came from somewhere and I was able to make the investments happen. So so the my physical and, you know, natural situation didn't change. I changed and all of a sudden, like money flowed in to do some things that I didn't even think we could do. So it kind of feels like like a miracle just unfolding.

Dr. Latifat:

Yes, I feel like my situation with my work did not change, but suddenly, because I changed. Now I have assets, I'm traveling, I bought my dream home, I invest. Is that three?

Dr. Toyosi:

yeah, yes, yeah, I invested in three. In three ways I'm gonna out next year, but yes, I did three major investments this year.

Dr. Latifat:

I'm super excited about, which I am, and I'm curious to see, like, what has been the impact of all this in your life outside of money Meaning, like has it changed anything for you professionally, professionally with your family? Tell us about that.

Dr. Toyosi:

Yes, yes. So when you expand, everything expands, expand, everything expands. And so you know one of the things.

Dr. Latifat:

One second, sorry, one second. Let's just can you just repeat that one more time, because I need to hear, like we all need to hear, that when you expand, everything expands okay, thank you for that.

Dr. Toyosi:

Sorry, go ahead yes, and so being in the money school and just it's kind of like I was telling my husband this morning, it's kind of like watching a tennis game where you're like the ball is flying, you're just like, and you know like, even this week I told you it's like I feel like I'm in a room with the big women. You know like what am I doing here? All these women look at all the moving and the shaking that they're doing. But what it does, it elevates your game and it makes you think differently. And so one of the one of the ways that's non-monetary that I've grown, that I've grown this year, is I. I got up one day and I was like you know what? I don't want to take call anymore. The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Right, who's a physician not taking call? I was like I don't want to do that anymore and I set in motion conversations around not taking call, what's possible? Right, I'm asking questions. So now we're trying to figure out how are we going to make this work, and of course there are obstacles, of course there are people who don't want me to make that move. But just being in the money school and having growing in confidence allowed me to ask questions that I would never ask, make moves that I would never move. And you know what also is interesting you know I use this term kind of carefully it's like the universe conspires to make it possible to you know. And so I found money to invest. But I also found opportunities where it was like, okay, if you're not going to take call, what are you going to do? And literally, on a flight I, my flight, was diverted. I ended up in a different state that I wasn't supposed to be in, and that's where I got the opportunity that took off, my call, that allowed me to make my not being on call official. So, like I mean, already my life expanded because I have my nighttimes back, like, how do you put value on that? Like I can't tell you how many dollars came out of that, but I took time back, and so that that's one of the big changes that's happened for me, and in addition to other changes that I think wouldn't have happened if not for the confidence I grew in the money school.

Dr. Latifat:

I love that, and so that's a professional side of things. What about family? Is this like? Is your family like? Did I even know anything's changed?

Dr. Toyosi:

wouldn't do. I mean, okay, for example, we bought a house and made investments and we're still in the place where we're still in one like a one income family right now, where it's like but you know, in the past it would have been we don't have time to do this, we are not able to do that, and so then we wouldn't have taken opportunities. And so, you know, my husband was like we can't buy, we can't buy a house now, and, and it didn't make sense to. But it did make sense to and I'm glad that we did, because, oh my goodness, I mean the kids still say we're so glad we're in this house. I mean it just it just changed everything. And you know what? I started feeding my kids breakfast. I know it's like, were the children not eating before now? But I mean literally everyone woke up in the morning. It's like, go get yourself some cereal. And of course they can do that, they're old enough, but like now I have such like a peace about me and I'm not so busy doing all the stuff and I can make breakfast every morning. And so now we have, like some of my my kids friends are coming to, like where I'm taking them to school, because we come and we have breakfast at my house and one of the moms was like you know, I really, you know, I don't want my daughter says she's coming to your house and having breakfast and I'm trying to feed her, she's going to have breakfast there and that's just because I'm at the place where, like, I can feed my children breakfast. I have time to feed them breakfast. Like I want to cry because I have time to feed them breakfast, like I want to cry because I have time to feed them breakfast. And part of it is that our house also has enough space where I feel like you know, I'm feeding them breakfast. They can sit at the table. We're having conversations in the morning. I mean it's just so beautiful. Like if I hadn't, we hadn't bought that house, this house, it wouldn't, we wouldn't do that anyway. I'm like, just, it's just such a big deal. My whole life is different. And so, yes, there's just like my son who didn't, he was like I'm not hungry in the mornings, I'm not hungry. He eats breakfast every morning, he, it was not that he wasn't hungry, it was just that it wasn't what he wanted. So, anyway, just, my whole life is different. My whole life is different. Take a moment now.

Dr. Latifat:

We'll take a moment and I, honestly, I'm really speechless. I'm really speechless and I have to say that I mean and I love that we've talked a lot about time- and you know, you did not know what I was going to talk about on the slides, but I talked about redeeming the times right, because, at the end of the day, how long do we have? our kids for, and stories that you're experiencing now that, 10 years from now, you can look back on and enjoy the richness that has existed in your life and the fact that you can do that without sacrificing your long term Actually. I love that you said I don't know where money came from, because I thought you're like I bought a house, I bought investments. And I know there's still one more thing, one more crazy goal that you have for this year, and I cannot wait. We don't hustle, we don't grind, but I cannot wait for you to accomplish that dream and I know that, whether you do it this year or next year, it is good anyway. What wisdom would you want to share with people that are watching right now that are like, okay, I am where you were and all I can think about is the student debt or the debt or the saving, but I feel that contraction. What would you tell them? Because they're looking, they're like, okay, maybe I need the help. How do I become a person that is open and can take the leap that you did so that maybe they can be their version, not your version their version of what wealth looks like?

Dr. Toyosi:

yeah, I think that what I, what I realized when I look back now in my life, even a few years ago, in trying to make because I think we're in trying to make money happen, I was really grinding I think that's the right term to use and in that hustle there wasn't space for anything right, there was not space. It wasn't space to feed children, there wasn't space to be settled. You know, I probably couldn't even be here because I was like, oh no, I'm too busy. But like I was trying to make it work, right, I'm grinding, I'm hustling, I'm trying to get all the money in, but it's not there. And so then I'm doing more and then I'm missing, like the wealth of my life. And so what really I think is important is just recognizing how big the possibilities are and are you living in the biggest possible way? Right, is this the life you want? And I think change only happens when you make change happen. Right, you can keep going and not achieving your goals, or you can think about how can I do it differently? And so you know, going back, I wish I'd made the investment sooner, because it's like, oh my gosh, I can't. You know how much am I going to pay for this, and what is it going to give me? I have to say I can't put a price on how much I've achieved over this short period of time, but even like all the money aside, it's like the kind of life I live now and how much time I have, and I didn't have time because I was trying to make money happen. Now I have more time and money is happening in a way that it wasn't happening when I was trying so hard to make it work right. And so I think I would say that if you don't like your life where it is now, for whatever reason, especially as it comes to finances, change will only happen as you make a change. And everything you are today right is what is just a product of what investments you've made before, and so it's like what is a different investment you need to make today to get to where you really want to be? And in fact, to be honest, you haven't even imagined the possibilities because there's so much. So I would just say that an investment is needed to have a different outcome, and you just have to decide what that investment is going to be Like. Whatever you're investing in now is giving the outcome you have, and so how can you make a different investment to give you a different outcome?

Dr. Latifat:

Wow. Well, thank you for sharing that. Thank you Anything else you want to share with our people that you think would be helpful, any secrets you want to tell them about the Money School? And feel free to say whatever you want. We got nothing to hide and in fact, the reason why I'll tell you one of my favorite parts about the Money School is even I am in awe to be honest with you about the kind of women, the caliber of women that I have the honor of serving. Dr Toya, she's amazing, and every woman in the Money School is amazing. Every time I get to interview one of them, I'm in awe that I get to be alongside you as you develop this part of your life. Really. And the kindness, the no shaming, the village mentality it's like here to elevate each other. The support, the no shaming the village mentality, it's like here to elevate each other. The support, the no formal. It's like, wow, you're buying a land. That would be amazing. Nobody's jealous, and I think you know someone else is like buying a land, right? Someone posted recently that they are in contract for a 20-unit property and I'm like I already know that it just broadens your perspective, like you said. But anything else you want to share about that would be helpful, or anything else about your experience about the money school that you think maybe people would be interested in knowing.

Dr. Toyosi:

Yeah, I think it's so helpful all the speakers that you bring in to the money school, because I mean, these are people we don't know right, because if we already knew them we would have a different, the different experience that they, they make happen, and so it's it's so helpful to have people from different perspectives, who have different investment opportunities come in, because it's like car washes. Okay, this is, you know, different, new and different. Or you know, we had someone who came in and talked about the land. The land conversation clearly transformed my experience, because I was sitting there thinking but it's like, you know, you're introduced into a new idea and already it just changes your perspective, because now you have to be like, ok, this is something I didn't know, I have to go look into it, and it just changes your perspective. So I think that's something that's really helpful too. Just to say that you, when you're connecting us with people from all you, from your networks, then it expands our networks too, and and and uh, and there's, there's wealth in just expanding your social capital as well absolutely, and I think my, I mean the way I think about you guys.

Dr. Latifat:

You're all the way up here in my mind. So when I bring people into the community, they're not down here, they're all the way up. And everybody knows my women are. I get you know. People want to come talk to physicians. Most times I say no, it's only by invitation. And I'm so particular because it has to add to the wealth of our members, and the reason why is because our time is so valuable, our life is so valuable that if it's not adding, what is the point? So I love and I love that you've been impacted so much in your journey and I know that it's your second year with us. I cannot wait to dig into what your next goals are going to be, what you want to expand even into in the second year that you're going to be following Inside Out the Money School. And I have zero doubt that you're already living your life. You're already living your rich life and I know for certain that we're just going to continue to move to the next level.

Dr. Toyosi:

Do you have?

Dr. Latifat:

any idea what you're trying to? Because I'm curious, I can.

Dr. Toyosi:

Oh, I have money goals, which is even a new concept. Who has money goals? I have money goals and yeah, I have. So this year I've done at least three, maybe four investments, and next year I'm going to do seven or eight, and so I'm already clear on these are the asset categories that I'm going to invest in. And that just blows my mind. It's like I have money goals. What is that?

Dr. Latifat:

But yeah, it's going to be good. Going to be good, and one of the things we talk about in the money school is the arms of wealth. Right Money is part of it. Rest is part of it. Your faith is part of it. Your relationships, the things that you're able to create, is part of it. So I'm looking forward to all the things that you're going to birth and, without hustling, without grinding, by, just becoming the version of you that is meant to uncover in 2025. So I want to say thank you very much for sharing that with us. Any last minute things before we call it out.

Dr. Toyosi:

I would just say thank you. I mean, it's so great to actually be able to reflect as I talk to you and also thank you for creating this community, because you know it's. It just takes you answering the call right saying I'm going to step up to this, and then you create a community that's bigger than you, and so I know it's you. You're a really awesome person and you created a community of really awesome people, and so the kind of like the exponential awesomeness of the group is incredible. Yeah, so thank you for saying yes and for making this possible.

Dr. Latifat:

Absolutely I will have. I have a confession Every time we're done with our coaching, I literally sit down. I'm not even lying, I sit down for about 10 to 15 minutes and I'm just like in awe of the humans that I just got a chance to interact with. And that is every single member and Dr Toyasi is an example of the kind of doctor you'd be mingling with Like these are heart-driven, kind-hearted, redefining success, redefining their rich life, and so, if this has been of benefit to you, if this has been helpful for you, just you know, would love to chat with you. The way you do that is, you know, go to moneyfeedmdcom, forward, slash, call, schedule a call. That's the only way you can get in our community. You don't. You cannot click on a button and pay. We don't want your money that much. The key is, our community is really important. Serving the right women for us is really really important, and so we gatekeep that with intention, and I have zero, zero shame or whatever about the fact that we gatekeep for a good reason, and I will happily say no if you're not the right candidate for us. So schedule a call with us. If you have any questions, type it in the chat in Facebook. I will come around and answer that, but I just want to say, from every one of us, I want to say thank you, dr Toyasi, for being a part of this conversation. You are amazing. I cannot wait. You're glowing and thank you for giving yourself the gift you and your family really the gift of investing in yourself, of changing your money journey, changing your money story, because that is going to impact generations to come. So I appreciate you, thank you for the work you do and I love you, and I can say that with confidence. Thank you very much.

Dr. Toyosi:

Thank you for having me.

Dr. Latifat:

Thank you everybody. I hope this has been helpful. Again, if you're joining us, if you want to be a part of us in 2025, if you want to be a part of us in 2025, if you choose to do that by December 31st, you will be locking in the 2024 price and getting everything that we're offering in 2025. However, if you decide to do that afterwards, that's fine. You will be paying. It's going to be $5,000 more next year. It's still going to be a great investment. So you get to decide when you decide that it's time. So, thank you everybody. Have a good rest of the night, bye. Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you have gained something by listening to this episode. If you have, I would love it if you took one minute and left us a review on whatever platform that you're listening in. But also, for a limited time, we're trying out this free consultations for women physicians. You have to be a woman physician, but go ahead and text 717-973-8883, the word free. What we're going to do is set up a time to talk and we're going to do like a soap format S-O-A-P, where you come in with the subjective, you come in with the objective, you leave with an assessment and a plan. This is free. It's on us, so make sure you send us the sex. It's for a limited time only, so make sure you take advantage while we're doing this thing. Enjoy the rest of the day and see you in the next episode. Goodbye.